Moreover, testing new and reworked champions will be a lot easier as players now will not have to play against mind-numbing bots to try out a build, reports PVP Live. In addition, with the 'League of Legends' Practice Tool Function, players can alter the game with console settings like refreshing cooldowns, disabling turrets, instantly maxing levels, having practice dummies and more. With the latest practice tool, flashing walls can now be done without cool down. 'League of Legends' Practice Tool Function The 'League of Legends' Practice tool enables players to do things without wasting hours in Custom Games. A straightforward, single-player environment lets players test things out like checking wall flash points.
Originally called Sandbox Mode, 'League of Legends' Practice tool is a place where players can train their mechanics. The Practice Tool was brought along the latest 'League of Legends' patch 7.3. 'League of Legends' Practice tool is finally available.